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Mark of the beast?

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In Japan, or China, I read an article on this, they've developed and are testing a chip implanted into people's thumb nails that they can swish over a scanner in supermarkets, cash-points etc and it acts as their credit card, bank card, id, etc.

Ain't that a very good way to prevent identity theft, credit card fraud and theft, etc?

I think so.

You remember those futuristic films where instead of money we're allocated credits?
We're there.
Credit cards.
This year was the first year where credit cards were used more than money.

Soon, there could be no money and like the sayings, we'll not be able to buy or sell without the mark.

Sure, maybe, they could track us if we have tracking chips hidden in the little chips but then what do you think they may be putting into id cards if they become operational?-Aswell as biometric data so that if they tap into our cards to locate us they can also have a picture of us and all our other details, plus a zoom in with the old satellites in space.

I may just have a vivid imagination though.

What do you think mobile phones are? Aside from being a tool for our benefit, they're a tool for the benefit of the machine.
Just like the interent and emails, text messages, phones, tv's.

Do you think they can't trace us now?

Does it matter?

The fuel that's been running the machine is fear, and when the fuel runs out, the machine won't work anymore.

Anyway, that's my opinion, or at least I think it is.
It could be someone elses.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 6:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In Revelations 13:17, it says;
"and that no one would be able to buy or to sell, unless he has that mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name."

Just a spin on this and micro chips. Here in the US individual states are imposing the NAIS. National Animal Identification System. This is for IDing your livestock. Any livestock besides cats and dogs. I live in Wisconsin, which is the first state in the US to begin imposing this as mandatory, premise registration. They are not IDing the animals individually yet, but they will. With large animals, they will micro chip. This is all for biosecurity and disease tracking and control. This is the first phase of organization.
Wisconsin's livestock ID implementation:
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 4:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's good isn't it?
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 3:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

excwan, I am not sure if it's good or bad with the NAIS. I was required to register my premise or be fined. All of WI is required who have any livestock by Jan. 1, 06. More states will follow. Then they will begin IDing the animals and tracking. Some rebel folks believe this is infringing on propety, privacy and liberty and freedom. I do hope it would help with animal spreading diseases to quickly quarantine, depopulate, etc of sick animals, and prevent any species jumping viruses. You know all the talk of Avian Flu, Hoof and Mouth, etc... But, some folks also believe this is the govt's way of being able to expell small farms from production purposes...even fanciers, and hobby farms, to make way for large scale animal production only. Now, this would be a good thing in Asian countries as they live with their animals and breed diseases over there. Wisconsin has been testing Hmong immigrants since July 06 for AI, type A (H5N1) since we are the 3rd largest state to immigrate these peoples from the source of the disease orgin country.

Ant, said in another thread on the mark of the beast that barcoding has the first, middle, and last bars referencing 6. I'm not sure of the mechanics of the micro chipping...I should research that. They are also suggesting plastic banding for legs. Anyway you look at this, Big Brother knows where and what you have. There will be no hiding for long.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 12:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That link you added, I just had a look at that the other day before seeing it in this thread just now.

There's some good info' in there.

As for your last post- true.

I see your point of view and it could be a littler farm elimination programme which could be a bummer and I sympathise if it is but it may not be.
Either way, it seems like you have no other option than to go with the flow even though you don't know where it could be going.

That seems like life to me.

Surely, you'll have an easier time going with the flow and seeing where the river takes you than trying to go against it?

Even if it seems like you have no choice or say in the matter, you do.

You've made a choice, you'll make another, and I'm sure many more too.

As for big brother, they have us in our grids already anyway. So be it.

It's easier to alter a system from the inside than it is from the outside.

There's nothing to fear.

As a good friend said in another thread;
"F - false, E - evidence, A - appearing, R - real."

All the best Amethea.


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 8:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

excwan wrote:

Revelations 13:18 says;
"Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is six hundred sixty-six."

We, humans, are apparantly carbon based life forms. Carbon has 6 neutrons, 6 electrons, 6 protons.

I think its possible that its not the mark it self that is bad, its the fact that the person who has the number 666 may be bad.

But also its possible that the bible was edited many many times and we'd have no idea about knowing about the christian/catholic dogma.

A famous psychic sylvia browne simple says that there is no devil or hell. That if God is "all-loving" then he hold no resentment or negative qualities and always carries forgiveness unconditionally.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Propellerseller quote;
"I think its possible that its not the mark it self that is bad, its the fact that the person who has the number 666 may be bad."
Is another way of saying this that 666, which we know in Hebrew equates to ManManMan, is like sayiing that 666 or ManManMan is the lower energy spectrum of the frequency we will be and are shifting into?
Bad being, not necessarily bad but negative, opposite to positive, positive being the part of the energy spectrum which we are accepting more into our lives. 777- the lamb. 888- superperfection.

Propellerseller quote;
"But also its possible that the bible was edited many many times and we'd have no idea about knowing about the christian/catholic dogma."
From Hebrew- 'virgin' means 'young lady' and 'day' means 'age'.
A lot of these teachings were lost but are coming back to us anyway.
A friend this morning said that he's optomistic because we are getting the powers we need that we have been denied.
Teachings reach us when we need them or when they need us.
This is happening a lot more recently.

Propellerseller quote;
"A famous psychic sylvia browne simple says that there is no devil or hell. That if God is "all-loving" then he hold no resentment or negative qualities and always carries forgiveness unconditionally."
God, or as I have come to know what you're describing- All, is all loving, holds no resentment and always forgives because he/she is all these things.
All, is all things, aswell as the above, All is what or who is playing games with us, in a good way.
The east(Al-Quaeda) says that God told them to wage war on the West, and the West(Bush) said that God told him to wage war on the East.
It's God's War remember. That's what it says in the Bible.
The Third War. The War To End War.
So, the way I see it, we are pawns, important pawns, in a game of life and death.
To settle the balance, we are doing what we will by the will of All.

This may be a bit prophetic, maybe not, but there are set checkpoints along the way to the cross-over.
The journey between happens in a way of our choosing, to a certain extent.
The way I see it, we can but watch our lives unfold to see what lies beneath, above, beyond, inside.
Just do your best to be honest to yourself is what I say.

As for no devil and no hell, well, maybe, maybe not.
Are these, as heaven, an example of the energy spectrums, positive and negative? Could be. May not be.
I find it good not to set things in stone until I have proof or knowledge of it. Then even still, I am unattached to it's relevance in the sense that there may still be room for manouvers.

What do you think of this word?;
Contemplative & Complacent = Contemplacent.

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Fen Zero

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 8:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi pals..Merry Christmas to you All!...

Back to the topic...excuan, your second quote of properspeller may be right. See I am a very young...but sometimes I stay awake the whole night thinking.."What if the Bible wasn´t written the way God wanted it to be written? What if anything is perfect, like God may have wanted it to be, and that´s why he sent us Jesus Christ our Savior and will probably send him again..?...If God created us, who created him/her/it? Perhaps it is a co-relation: He creates us, we create him.....I really don´t know , and that is all I think. He/she/it is allmighty and I am sure will show us the truth one of these days..."

Notice that when I mention God I write "He/She/IT" cause, perhaps God doesn´t have a sex..I personally prefer to imagine that God is a big, round, shiny, light ball, just like the sun...Perhaps with small or big wings..Who knows, I´ve never met him personally, or at least I haven´t noticed...What if our next savior is a SHE instead of a HE?, that would show us how equal we are, how women are so important, and how men are so wrong doing all these wars and fighting..

About the beasts number (please dont mention it anymore, it drives me crazy) I read that the opposite (God) is 999..Do any of you know about this?...Then, If I wear God´s number: 999, will I be saved?...Who knows, as I said before, I´ve never met God personally....But that´s why we all are here:
To help each other, solve mysteries, and, above all, be with God and fight against those oppresing governments and humans who are alllied to the beast....
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Merry Christmas.

Fen Zero;
"Notice that when I mention God I write "He/She/IT" cause, perhaps God doesn´t have a sex..I personally prefer to imagine that God is a big, round, shiny, light ball, just like the sun...
That's a good imaginealisation.

Fen Zero;
"What if our next savior is a SHE instead of a HE?, that would show us how equal we are, how women are so important, and how men are so wrong doing all these wars and fighting."
It's not just men fighting, women too.
There have been multiple saviours since Jesus and before, messangers of the light. Each one bringing an enlightening message or messages with them for themselves and the rest of us, or at least those whom they meet.
What if the next saviour is a he? What would that show men and women? That one is greater than the other? No. The message is greater than the messanger. It is the message which carries the importance of God not the messanger since he or she is simply a vehicle for the light, a vessel, a tool.
If one is too focus on the physical extension of the light rather than the light itself then one will probally miss the message, so don't fool yourself, you're brighter than that.

666=ManManMan. That's the Hebrew translation from numerical to litteral.
The Bible was written in Hebrew where numbers = letters. It's a giant puzzle.
You may have heard of the book- The Bible Code by Michael Drosnin.
My interpretation of this is not nesseccarily evil, rather and simply- 'man'-physical.
Another example is 'ego'. When one is unaware of the soul, the mind and body forge an identity which we call the ego. This is a consciousness born out of being unaware of the soul and believing that the mind and body is all there is. The mind and body duo form a false trilogy, the third part being made up of a connectioon between bodily urges and pre-programmed mental thoughts. This connection between the untrained mind and body is what we call the ego.
When in this state one can believe that this connection between the untrained mind and body that we call the ego is really the soul, but it's not, it it really the matrix.
It is the result of believing that the physical extension of the soul, which includes the mind and body, is the soul, when really the mind and body are untrained and are unaware of the soul, and are ruled by the physical urges and pre-programmed thoughts which the matrix (the physical extension) who wants to trick you into believing is who you are when you're not.
When you train the mind and body using any of a number of techniques you can begin to recognise this false identity for what it is.
You can begin to realize that the mind and body can be taken for a ride along many an influence and you along with them but you can also begin to realize that you can train them to deal with these influences in a more effective manner.
You can delete useless programmes and integrate useful ones within your physical body programme and your mental programming.
When you do this you can recognize the ego and deal with it for what it is, your connection with the matrix. It can be a useful tool, as long as you don't get caught up in the useless belief that you are it.
When here, you can and probally will begin to recognize your soul via any number of possibile ways. It may start out as a feeling of conscience or truth.
After building a good connection with the spirit soul you are building a connection with the true trilogy.
This true trilogy is one between the trained mind, the trained body, and the soul. When this happens you will find many things happen for your benefit, even though sometimes you may have to go through periods of confusion before the reason becomes apparent.
Your body will be a vehicle in the physical extension/the matrix/the world, your mind will be a messanger between the physical extension and the etherial extension, and your soul is in the etherial extension.
You'll know the truth when you're connected with the true trilogy.
When you're at this stage, I suppose this is what would called, in numerical terms- 777. The number of the Lamb.
Jesus was a Lamb, a follower and messanger of the light in the physical.
888- Superperfection.
999- I don't know about that one. Sure, if you rotate it or use a mirror it could be the opposite of 666 but who knows for sure?
Maybe you could ask an expert in the Hebrew langauge.
There are some web-sites out there that could help if you really want to.
Do you really need to?
That's a question for yourself.

Fen Zero;
"...fight against those oppresing governments and humans who are alllied to the beast."
Just let them be.
The fuel that's been running the machine is fear. When the fuel runs out, the machine won't work anymore.
Concentrate on you.
Just do what you need to do in your immediate vicinity and unless you are really and truely drawn to influence things in other areas, or these things in your area, why concentrate on it in such a negative way.
Just love it.
It may seem a bit silly, depending on your awareness, but the more love these oppressing governments are sent the more positive they will become. There is nothing wrong with them. They are helping just as are you and I.
Don't fret friend.
Have fun.

Fen Zero;
"...alllied to the beast."
This means just- ManManMan, as I've detailed above.

I hope you find this useful.

Have lovely days and nights.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 7:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fen Zero wrote:

Back to the topic...excuan, your second quote of properspeller may be right. See I am a very young...but sometimes I stay awake the whole night thinking.."What if the Bible wasn’t written the way God wanted it to be written? What if anything is perfect, like God may have wanted it to be, and that´s why he sent us Jesus Christ our Savior and will probably send him again..?...If God created us, who created him/her/it? Perhaps it is a co-relation: He creates us, we create him.....I really don´t know , and that is all I think. He/she/it is almighty and I am sure will show us the truth one of these days..."

I don't think its realistic to believe the bible was written without the touch of a selfish/materialistic hand or someone wanting to control people. I do believe that there still exists many universal truths in the bible though.

If God is all loving and holds no resentments, then therefore it is impossible to sin against Him at all. Isn't it possible that the idea of sin was created to get people to go to church in fear of going to hell because they have sinned and pay daily tithes to the churches? Who knows?

Personally my view of what God is, is that He is everything. One. Think of the idea behind yin and yang, Two opposite yet similar sides forming one. I think "GOD" consists of a feminine side and a masculine side. The reason we traditionally refer to God as a He or Him I guess is due to the oppression of feminism for thousands of years and that Men would not want to think of God being feminine in anyway. I also think the story of Adam and Eve may have been created by the ancient Catholic Church to give more power to men. I believe we are all part of God and therefore ARE God. Possibly a good symbol of this is if God is the human body (or 2, a masculine and feminine) than we are the cells of the body which make up God. Because we are God anything is possible, we have the power to manifest anything and everything including hampering beliefs that there is no God, that we have no psychic powers, and anything etc. And because of this we can create our reality. Holy moly that was deep...


About the beasts number (please don’t mention it anymore, it drives me crazy) I read that the opposite (God) is 999..Do any of you know about this?...Then, If I wear God’s number: 999, will I be saved?...Who knows, as I said before, I’ve never met God personally....But that’s why we all are here:
To help each other, solve mysteries, and, above all, be with God and fight against those oppressing governments and humans who are allied to the beast....

Manifestation is all about obtaining something without fighting or in enlightened people who have the gift of fish and loaves, there is no difference in time from the thought of the manifestation and the manifestation itself. You can fight or learn to manifest. Some of the greatest people in history, Gandhi, Buddha, Jesus etc. choose not to fight.

BUT, each person has their own path which IS whatever they choose it to be, there will always be lessons learned just maybe at different speeds.

I try often when I see someone acting what is considered immature or stupid is just to think that it's all part of their path and that they haven't learn some things yet.

“The Universe is perfect just the way it is. The hungry tummies in Africa and other places in the world are just as much part of the perfection as is your intention to end it.”

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 11:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Personally my view of what God is, is that He is everything. One. Think of the idea behind yin and yang, Two opposite yet similar sides forming one. I think "GOD" consists of a feminine side and a masculine side. The reason we traditionally refer to God as a He or Him I guess is due to the oppression of feminism for thousands of years and that Men would not want to think of God being feminine in anyway. I also think the story of Adam and Eve may have been created by the ancient Catholic Church to give more power to men. I believe we are all part of God and therefore ARE God. Possibly a good symbol of this is if God is the human body (or 2, a masculine and feminine) than we are the cells of the body which make up God. Because we are God anything is possible, we have the power to manifest anything and everything including hampering beliefs that there is no God, that we have no psychic powers, and anything etc. And because of this we can create our reality. Holy moly that was deep..."
Well done.

In Hebrew, Adam=Earth=Man.
It's one of those tricks of the written tongue which in this case shows that Adam(Man) is Earth, made of the same chemicals, made from the Earth.


"Manifestation is all about obtaining something without fighting or in enlightened people who have the gift of fish and loaves, there is no difference in time from the thought of the manifestation and the manifestation itself. You can fight or learn to manifest. Some of the greatest people in history, Gandhi, Buddha, Jesus etc. choose not to fight.

BUT, each person has their own path which IS whatever they choose it to be, there will always be lessons learned just maybe at different speeds.

I try often when I see someone acting what is considered immature or stupid is just to think that it's all part of their path and that they haven't learn some things yet.

“The Universe is perfect just the way it is. The hungry tummies in Africa and other places in the world are just as much part of the perfection as is your intention to end it.”


Well said.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just heard something this weekend and it might shed light on the issue of war and future negitivity talked about in this section: "Do not fight the problem, instead, support the solution"

I remember that Mother Teresa once said when asked to march against one of the wars something along the lines of "I will not march against anything, but if you ask me to march for something, I will be there.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Do not fight the problem, instead, support the solution"

"I will not march against anything, but if you ask me to march for something, I will be there.

Had to be repeated!

Check out: 'The God Code' - Page 150. It's a book.
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Fen Zero

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's not just men fighting, women too.

Fen Zero:
Well, don´t you think is because men try to command them? (I´m a it´s my fault too .. =P )

I don't think its realistic to believe the bible was written without the touch of a selfish/materialistic hand or someone wanting to control people. I do believe that there still exists many universal truths in the bible though.

If God is all loving and holds no resentments, then therefore it is impossible to sin against Him at all. Isn't it possible that the idea of sin was created to get people to go to church in fear of going to hell because they have sinned and pay daily tithes to the churches? Who knows?

Fen Zero:
RIGHT!... =P

And excwan, please stop quoting others .. .=P just kidding, I am quite happy right now...
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