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Mark of the beast?

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Joined: 03 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Reading all the posts about god and the mark ect... got me really interested and I decided to post something myself. Keep in mind that what I am writing is my own personal opinions and views based upon personal truths that I've come to know, and may be subject to change at any time depending on my continual spiritual growth. Also keep in mind that I very well could be WRONG; I'm in human vessel, that means I've placed certain limits upon myself, and until I evolve enough and decide to break them, keep in mind I may not know what the hell I'm talking about.

I'll start with what I've come to understand about the being/beings that is/are referred to as God/All/Creator ect... I've seen the Creator twice, and spoken with it once, both times in my dreams/visions. Let me explain a little. I call myself a prophetic psychic, basically because I'm psychic, plus at times both involuntary and voluntary I see the future, sometimes hours to years into the future. Also I have dreams/visions about the Creator, my spirit guides, the future, ect... I say dreams/visions because I'm asleep at the time and haven't figured out if my soul leaves my body to go home and talk to my people, or if they come to me; so I won't say astral project or whatever name there is for what I've chosen to experience. (By my people I mean the Creator, my guides, dead relatives, basically every soul that exists that's on the otherside, or whatever plane they're on.)

Ok, onto the topics, first God:

Basically, from my experiences, both those mentioned above and those not mentioned, I feel God is a loving being, so I don't believe in a Devil or Satan. By Devil/Satan I mean a being that is out to get everybody and cause souls to go to hell. I feel that there is no 'spiritual' hell. Also, from what I've learned I don't see God to be male, female, or any combination of the two. The first time I saw and spoke to God, it came to me in the form of an older female. The second time I saw God, it came to me in the form of a male. You might ask, "If it's not male/female/combination of both, why did it appear to you in those forms?" Simple, those forms were what I was comfortable with at the time; I NEEDED for whatever purpose, to see God as a female/male so that I could better understand the messages I was given in each experience. It, was in those forms for MY benefit, not because it was actually male/female/a combination of the two. Lastly, and most importantly, I don't see God as an ultimate parent figure, or above or below me in anyway. Each time I was with God, it never treated me like I was above or below it, and I never acted as if I were above or below it. To make it a little bit more clear: When I dream about being with God/spirit guide/ect... It's almost as if I'm not in control; the dreams aren't lucid. My soul behaves and acts on it's own, asking it's own questions, making it's own statements, ect... My mind is in the back seat watching and recording what's happening while my soul is doing the driving. So when I say that I've never acted as if I were above or below any of my people when I'm interacting with them, I'm referring to my soul's behavior in my dreams/visions.

To recap, I feel God is all loving, God is neither male/female/any combination of the two, and most importantly my soul and every other soul that exists is equal to God, no better, no worse. I do not see God as separate from me; I see all of us as one and as a people. I feel that every soul that ever has, does, or will exist is of my people, that includes the Creator. I don't think God wanted children or pets, I think God wanted equals. That is assuming that It created us and not that we already existed along with it from the very beginning and helped it create everything. (That's an idea that I'm working through to see wether or not it rings true inside me.)

Topic Two, the mark:

I'm not sure whether it exists or not, so I'll say this. I understand where you are coming from Excwan when you say: "He has his place as do you. So why not love him for who he has to be?" A very wise person enlightened me not long ago by telling me that "A candle burns brightest in the darkness." Meaning the strongest lessons we'll ever learn until we evolve beyond negativity will come from negativity. Maybe the Anti-Christ, which I believe if such a thing does exist isn't a man or woman sent by Satan to destroy us all, but is humankind itself who holds and focuses only on the animal part of humanity and not the soul, will brake mankind down to it's lowest low so that all can be at a place where we can see to stop focusing on the animal part of man and flesh and earthly matters, and instead focus on our souls and God and what we REALLY are. WE ARE NOT FLESH!!! We are not male, we are not female. We are infinite, limitless, beautiful, loving beings, and we no longer need these limits we have put upon ourselves for whatever reason. It's time to stop being human and start being our pure selves that we are on the otherside; it's time to start being God again.

I believe the time of the mark is either fast approaching, or is here already. Look around, all we see is man being animal. Whether the Anti-Christ is a single person or every person in the world that focuses on flesh instead of spirit, one thing is for sure, whatever the Anti-Christ is it will make quick work of breaking down humankind to the point where it can do nothing else but turn to back to the Creator. It's gonna be a painful experience, but many will grow from it hopefully.

One more thing. About spiritual texts and how man has corrupted them....... who needs spiritual texts? Moses didn't, Jesus didn't, Buddha didn't, I don't, nobody does. Our people have ALWAYS spoken to us one on one, the only difference from then and now is that people have gone from knowing that we are one to believing we are separate. Our people are connected to us and always will be and always speak to us, all we have to do is remember the we are all one and want to help each other and be open to hearing what is said. Who need's the bible, you have a direct line, use it and trust in what you feel even if it conflicts with what others think or believe.

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Fen Zero

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

5ive wrote:

Basically, from my experiences, both those mentioned above and those not mentioned, I feel God is a loving being, so I don't believe in a Devil or Satan. ......

Also, from what I've learned I don't see God to be male, female, or any combination of the two. ......

To recap, I feel God is all loving, God is neither male/female/any combination of the two, ......

I do not see God as separate from me;

Through Time and Experienced I have learned Exactly the same! Smile.

God is a loving and forgiving Energy/Soul. God has no gender, that´s why God loves us all the same. There is no Such thing as Evil or Hell (like I said before, "evil is just the absence of good"..) but only heaven and God won´t ever punish you for doing bad things (when I do bad things I ask God to forgive me anyways).
The only antichrist there are People. YES! Smile We call ourselves the only thinking and reasoning beings, but we actually are the only ones that can kill ourselves or slowly kill our world (contamination) . I´ve discovered that animals are actually more civilized than us. For example: ants, they all work together for a common end, and they all suport a colony! That´s what we seem to do.. well not really!

And talking about us humans being the antichrist I found this website and found it really interesting:


Fen Zero
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 11:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Fen,

First of all let me say that's it's nice to meet someone with the same belief structure I currently have. I'd like to talk to you more on the subject some time if you're interested.

Now about what I read in the article.

I have to admit, this article caused a bit of a conflict within' me. The way the article/articles described the Anti-Christ coming forward is almost EXACTLY the way I imagined the next Messiah as coming forward. For example, when one of the articles explained how the Anti-Christ would unleash a sound/sensation that would effect people simultaneously on a spiritual, physical, mental, and emtional level, drawing their attention and then speaking to all the people of the world at once. I always imagined the next Messiah doing exactly that.

I think the article and links contained there in over all confused me about what exactly the article itself was talking about. I understood about how the article talked about how the (Government?) was purposely causing events so the Anti-Christ could come about. What confused me was what or who the Anti-Christ actually is. I believe at one point, unless I'm totally confused, the AC is mentioned as being the Pope. Basically what's confusing me is how the article talks about how the AC is supposedly going to surface and not how he/she/it is going to mislead the people. Also, the personal beliefs of the article writer conflicting with mine cause some confusion. The writer believing the AC will be a single being having supernatural abilities whereas I believe the AC isn't a single being but the lowest part of humankind itself. Which brings up some interesting thoughts. If I'm right and the AC is humanity, when the Messiah arises (If the Messiah is a single being) will people recognize he/she/it as Messiah, or Anti-Christ? Another thought, If the AC is humanity, who is to say the Messiah isn't humanity as well? In that I mean instead of a single person leading the people, a mass of people would lead people to understand that a single leader isn't needed and people should just look with themselves for guidance. That might explain why Indigos/Crystalines are being born. Will the savor of humankind/people BE humankind/people instead of a single person? Will the more evolved souls lead the less evolved to enlightenment? It's an interesting concept.

What also conflicts with my understanding of God/spiritual matters is: How can someone who is so vibrationaly low have such spiritual power? (Referring to the AC being a single being?) For example: I've never met or heard of a psychic or healer that was racist. It's my understanding that spiritual abilities/supernatural powers was/is a biproduct of an evolved soul. So if the AC is a single person, how could he/she have spiritual powers? And if I'm right, and the AC does have spiritual powers, who is to say that the AC isn't a being OF God; not evil, but here for a purpose that others might see as evil but is in fact ordained by God? And what if the AC IS the Messiah? I honestly believe that when the Messiah comes that he/she will be rejected my a vast majority of the population simply because his/her views/beliefs will conflict so strongly with what the Bible teaches as right/wrong. For example: The Messiah saying that people are equal to God, and that God not only shouldn't be worshiped, but DOESN'T WANT TO BE. If someone with spiritual abilities showed up today and started telling the whole world that, how do you think they would respond? They'd be so sure that thatperson what the Anti-Christ, but would they be right? The real and only thing/solution the Messiah could ever teach/tell someone is to look inside and find the eternal connection they have with God, and trust that above all else. You can be taught a million things, but until your taught from the INSIDE the things you learn mean nothing. Someone can teach you that being racist is wrong, but how can you really learn that until it rings true inside of you; until you understand that an assumption based on hate is incorrect? No matter how many teachers you have, you won't/can't learn anything until it rings true inside of you. A Messiah coming and stating what's right and what's wrong us useless. The first and really only lesson any Messiah can teach is for someone to look inside themselves, because that's where the answers exist. The answers don't exist in the Messiah, or in any spiritual text, but inside of you.

Than again, I could be wrong, and if I am than the AC's power comes from Satan; and that negates everything I've just said doesn't it?

If I am wrong and the AC is a single person that will try to mislead the people, it doesn't matter to me. I'm connected with the Creator, we are one. So I doubt I would be mislead. Nor do I need a saviour; I'm ALREADY on the path of soul evolution. Remember, if there IS a Messiah, he/she is here to help the unevolved/ignorant. So what does that do for those of us already evolved/evolving further? Nothing; we don't NEED drastic help like the others. That's what rings true within me.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


It's been a while since I've been here.

I was just searching the 'net for information on Dr. Death's (Nikola Tesla) Deathray (Earthquake Machine) when I found in my email box a notification of this thread and it read:

~"how the Anti-Christ would unleash a sound/sensation that would effect people simultaneously"

The earthquake machine is simply an oscillator (a simple device which produces vibrations).
Attached to (example) a building, the oscillator is started and the vibrations begin and increase in frequency until they match the base resonant frequency (the natural resonance or sound) of the building.
The bigger the building the lower it's sound, the less time it takes for the oscillator to produce a match.
Once it does match then, stimulated by it's own resonance, it begins to tear itself apart and BOOM! (or at least - POP!)

That's one possibility.

Also was said:

~"How can someone who is so vibrationaly low have such spiritual power? (Referring to the AC being a single being?)"

There is a spectrum on this planet and people (entities) can exist and perform their duties within a given bandwith, which is rather quite a large one.

~"(Referring to the AC being a single being?)"

AC, in electrical terms means, 'Alternating Current'.
This means that the same energy is passed between two points at increasingly faster paces increasing the amount of actual energy within the circuitry as it does so, and so is able to release amounts of energy along the way without actually losing any energy, as long as it has it's source.

~"Then again, I could be wrong, and if I am than the AC's power comes from Satan; and that negates everything I've just said doesn't it?"

Does it?


~"who is to say that the AC isn't a being OF God; not evil, but here for a purpose that others might see as evil but is in fact ordained by God?"


It pleases me to see this thread still in use.

God bless you all.

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Fen Zero

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 8:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

HI 5ive!

Yes, I also think it is great to know someone who shares my actual beliefs! I would also like to talk more deeply about this topic.
About your questions I have my own opinions:

The Anti-Christ is actually a group of people and organizations such as the Illuminatti who are seeking for a new world order, or the Evil Empire. These organizations are allying with many others around the world, such as our governments and even the Pope.
For example, President Bush is supposedly associated with the Illuminati, and most of the Presidents of the United States have. He, Bush, knew about the attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and he didn´t stop it because he used it as an excuse to attack Iraq and gain more power. Many people knew before it happened that the WTC was going to be attacked, but nobody knew exactly when.
Also, During this hurricane....I can´t remember which one, but IfI am not mistaken it damaged the surrounding areas of the Mississippi River. The president knew that too, but he said "They will be ok!". Then it became a tragedy, which dragged off the attention from the White House.
The Illuminatti and similar organizations are also taking over the Church. They have infiltrated people and are now acting from inside the Vatican. I think Pope J.P. II was actually the last sincere Pope, because, see, Pope Benedict has a dark side. He had been a Nazi! How can someone who had been a Nazi be our Pope!? And This is where I wil mention it again: people inside the Vatican decided this, and they will try to take over everything.
After this I can only predict three things: Diseases Spreading all over the world, Combined disasters in a single area, and The Church´s Rupture. Just remember these three and remember me when they happen! But, how do I know?! Everybody knows: The Illuminati have planned it.
The Church is not as good as it looks. It has been hiding thousand of things from us, it has lied to us! It has twisted our minds to make believe things that aren´t actually correct! They used the power to conquer other religions and territory and they call themselves the messengers of peace! There are conspiracies out there, the whole world is full of them.
Our governments have information about all of us: Every single detail, every single word we´ve said or thought, they know it. They have superior technology. They know things about the universe that we don´t even imagine. All these in a single Computer. Can you believe that? Someday, this information shall be revealed!
We aren´t living between angels and demons, we are living with humans. You should never fear ghosts, spirits, animals... whatever you are afraid of! You should really fear humans, because they have the power to destroy each other, and they will.
The Center for Disease Control will release it´s "weapons", and the maximum weapon, the anti-matter, will be used to destroy other nations rather than creating energy for a better life.
All this sounds rather apocalyptical and even scary, but it is true, and we are actually living it! You shouldn´t be scared, cause I am not scared. I will accept the consequences of my actions, and shall accept others´ actions. I am not scared anymore, because I know that in the end, Earth will be a better place. Better and more TRULLY CIVILIZED species will be born. The Extraterrestrials will come before all this, and transmit there message to us psychically. If we get it, good for us, we´ll probably be saved. If not, then kids will be shooting at children from the "opposite gang", or nation.
Just think about it.....
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, I'm a Beast, in some forms, kinda creepy
Im not this kid, I may be though, who knows
I can do weird things
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:14 am    Post subject: Re: Mark of the beast? Reply with quote

Hi P,

The microchip is already being used on animals here in New Zealand. It is an implant using some sort of syringe which puts the chip in a fold of skin and is used to identify animals with the owners info and maybe other data too, just in case the animal turns up at a shelter, like the RSPCA.

The chip will have all your data on it and as Revelations 13 says you will not be able to buy, sell or trade unless you have the mark of the beast which I believe is both a chip and a laser barcode tattoo.

There are numerous books on the bar codes. I think the most common barcode is called "3 of 9" and it has three longer bars on it. The first 2 bars are at the beginning and they represent a 6. The bars in the middle of the code are also 6 and the same with the last 2 bars. These bars stand out as they are longer than the other bars. Sometimes on the second set of numbers, toward the right there may be a 6 and it will look exactly like the 3 bars, from the beginning, middle and end bars. It normally isn't visible as a 6 if you see it in the first section. I hope I am explaining this correctly.

The most common place to see bar codes of this type are on supermarket products, and other store bought products. There are other bars too, like I think one of them is called Coda-bar. Often there are different bars like on packaging which will not have the 3 bars (representing a 6) but all the bars will be the same length and are much smaller that the ones on your groceries.

I hope this helps.

Mystx Very Happy

propellerseller wrote:
Jacky lightfoot said "the mark of the best hasnt been forced upon you yet, they're still working on it." Does that mean that it's suposed to be a manditory implant or somthing like that in the furture?
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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 9:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting, but there is that other thing I know about. Some years/months ago, some people got the papyrus where the # of the beast is clearer and it isn't 666, its 616, and apparently, in hebrew that can give you a name, so bad I can't do the maths <.<
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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 11:27 pm    Post subject: 666 or 616, that is the question??? Reply with quote

Hi Walms,

I heard the same thing. But go look at a barcode where the first 2, middle 2, and last 2 bars are equal lengths. Then find a 6 in the second lot of 4 numbers on the other half of the code and you may also find another six then looking at that six and compare it to the first, middle and last two bars and they are all the same length, all 6's.

Let me know when you have spotted them.

Best regards,

Mystx Cool

Walms wrote:
Interesting, but there is that other thing I know about. Some years/months ago, some people got the papyrus where the # of the beast is clearer and it isn't 666, its 616, and apparently, in hebrew that can give you a name, so bad I can't do the maths <.<
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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 11:27 pm    Post subject: 666 or 616, that is the question??? Reply with quote

Hi Walms,

I heard the same thing. But go look at a barcode where the first 2, middle 2, and last 2 bars are equal lengths. Then find a 6 in the second lot of 4 numbers on the other half of the code and you may also find another six then looking at that six and compare it to the first, middle and last two bars and they are all the same length, all 6's.

Let me know when you have spotted them.

Best regards,

Mystx Cool

Walms wrote:
Interesting, but there is that other thing I know about. Some years/months ago, some people got the papyrus where the # of the beast is clearer and it isn't 666, its 616, and apparently, in hebrew that can give you a name, so bad I can't do the maths <.<
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Joined: 17 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 2:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, 5ive. No offence or anything, but you are confusing me. You are taking Christian concepts (the AC, the mark) and applying applying completely non-christian concepts. Why, might I ask, are you doing this?

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PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 12:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh, well I wasn't really sure, siince the surce of the thing was a documentary last year.
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Joined: 23 May 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:04 am    Post subject: Revelations 19:4 Reply with quote

Ok this may seem slightly off but I did some work on this so there. Razz

In the book of revelations19:4 there is a reference to 28 people (24 'elders' and 4 living creatures). This is after the smiting of Babylon and these 28 are praising God. Now I went over this a bit, and I found a rather interesting fact. The Europian union currently has 27 members. However, America is commonly connected to it, bringing it to a total of 28. Now, maybe not, but the fact that these 28 could be the ones thanking god for salvation implies to me not only that the destroyer is a supernatural entity and individual, but that it may happen soon, simply because these numbers will not stay the same for long...

Any thoughts?
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

excwan wrote:

In Revelations 13:17, it says;
"and that no one would be able to buy or to sell, unless he has that mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name."

Revelations 13:18 says;
"Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is six hundred sixty-six."

Social Security Number (the number of the name) has already happened, try setting up a legal business without it, or getting a legitimate job, license, passport, bank account, credit card, ect. ect. ect......- the literal "chip" concept is a distraction to keep us focused on fear of what could be, thusly keeping us imprisoned. Very tricky indeed.

666....the number of mankind, not humankind

The purpose of the game is to grow. We are all born into it, we are all equal, and we all have the opportunity to "see" it for what it is. Easy, no......fair, yes - By setting up a construct we all call "the system" it gives us a chance to utilize and embrace our free will. It is a way to test the evolution of the individual soul. The soul cannot move beyond physicality until it has mastered it, learned how to wield it, and has brought all elements of it into balance.
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Joined: 12 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This here makes a very nice mark.


As for being "marked" you begin with a birth certificate, unable to work without one.


Hiya Mystx Very Happy
The barcode idea doesn't pan out when you take a regular 6 from random barcodes. Not to mention the barcode will soon be obsolete with the newer powerful QR barcodes. Something that scares my when "looked at".


As for getting into translations of revelations it is somewhat mistranslated, besides the fact it is not the "word" of God. The original is gone.


These are word for word translations, showing that number for diadem is used as a counter while the numbers for head and horn are descriptors.

καὶ ἀπήνεγκέν με εἰς ἔρημον ἐν πνεύματι. καὶ εἶδον γυναῖκα καθημένην ἐπὶ θηρίον κόκκινον, γέμον[τα] ὀνόματα βλασφημίας, ἔχων κεφαλὰς ἑπτὰ καὶ κέρατα δέκα.

Rev 17-3
And carry off me unto bereft in holy spirit even to see a woman fixed upon beast scarlet filled command slander possessing head seven(capital punishment) and horn ten(strength)

καὶ ὤφθη ἄλλο σημεῖον ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ, καὶ ἰδοὺ δράκων μέγας πυρρός, ἔχων κεφαλὰς ἑπτὰ καὶ κέρατα δέκα καὶ ἐπὶ τὰς κεφαλὰς αὐτοῦ ἑπτὰ διαδήματα,

Rev 12-3
And to see another sign in the heavens and lo a dragon great possessing head seven and horn ten and upon this head himself seven diadem


Revelation 13:18
Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

ἄνθρωπος,n \{anth'-ro-pos}
1) a human being, whether male or female 1a) generically, to include all human individuals

I had a feeling that "a man" may have been simply "man". Turns out the common usage applies to all of Mankind.

And "number" is a good one also.
ἀριθμός,n \{ar-ith-mos'}
1) a fixed and definite number 2) an indefinite number, a multitude

θηρίον,n \{thay-ree'-on}
1) an animal 2) a wild animal, wild beast, beast 3) metaph. a brutal, bestial man, savage, ferocious

6 is the number or symbol of Man. If I remember right it also applies to the society and set of controls built by Man, who in reality still functions like an animal for the most part.

If you guys notice they didn't do so hot on actual translations to english. The use of a number as a descriptor was lost, and ignored through subsequent translations/revisions.

If you would like to try translations this is the greek text. Often they replaced a common word with an uncommon word thus changing the meaning.
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