Mystical Wonders Discussion Group Forum Index Mystical Wonders Discussion Group
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Mystical Wonders Discussion Group Forum Index
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Main Categories  
No new posts Introduction
This discussion group has had the honor of being home for thousands of members in all sorts of mystical fields on yahoo since June,2003. We are back bigger and better on our own dedicated server. Old members are encouraged to re-introduce yourselves..and new members are most welcome to say a bit about your background, what you want to learn, etc... Don't be shy! We are a warm community of psychics, healers, researchers, inventors, scientists, new agers, occultists & normal people.
861 2097 Tue Oct 05, 2021 12:26 pm
No new posts Expression
A place to share music, art, poetry, fashion and any other ways we express ourselves.
86 180 Sat Feb 15, 2020 8:13 am
No new posts Videos & Audios
Hand Picked Universally Guided Videos & Audios with Quality Information on a wide variety of fields! View Amazing Online Videos and discuss topics related to New Age, Metaphysical, Metaphysical, Spiritual, Scientific Works, History and much more. Upgrade your Consciousness & Life by viewing these shared videos. Hours of Quality Information/Knowledge.
142 242 Sun Oct 31, 2021 9:41 pm
No new posts Magick - Occult - Metaphysics
For the discussion of all things Magickal (white magick, black magick, grey magick, chaos magick, sigils, servitors, familars, witchcraft, shamanism, sorcery, rituals, spells, etc) Basically ANYTHING that deals with Magick goes here.. We encourage people of all magickal paths to frequent here this category to learn and contribute.
438 2732 Sat Feb 17, 2024 8:25 pm
No new posts Psychic Powers & Mind Powers
For the discussion of everything related to Psychic Abilities / Powers such as developing or enhancing abilities, opening the third eye, Psychic Seduction, Psychic Influence, Psychic Attack and Self-Defense. Anything at all that is related to Psychic Abilities are discussed here.. Subjects such as OOB, Astral Travel & Lucid Dreaming are also welcomed here
788 5731 Fri Feb 25, 2022 3:27 am
No new posts Energy Work
For the Discussion of Orgone Energy, Tachyon Energy, Reiki Energy, Zero Point Energy & any other type of energy. Harnessing energy using meditation - mind power and/or devices, moulding energy, generating energy, etc. Anything energy related goes here. Come inside and harness Orgone, Reiki & Tachyon Energies from the Mystical Wonders picture.
323 1907 Sun Apr 16, 2023 5:44 am
No new posts Manifestation
Here we discuss the wide range of techniques used for manifestation of our intents. The Law of Attraction, Wealth Mindsets, Sub-Conscious programming for wealth,love and anything else. Discuss manifestation techniques, tips, tricks, short cuts and anything else related to manifestation.
357 1652 Mon Mar 20, 2023 2:58 am
No new posts Radionics - Psionics - Psychotronics
Radionics is a method of manipulating subtle energies using specialized instruments.
Psionics involves the use of sacred 2-dimensional patterns, drawings, and shapes. These patterns actualy project magical forces and have been used in magical practices for thousands of years.
Psychotronics: The science and discipline of how life functions; includes the study of how technology interacts with the human mind, spirit, and body; science, mathematics, philosophy, metaphysics, and esoteric studies are united through the study of psychotronics; it would also include other realities and how we interface with other dimensions of existence; psychotronic devices use radionic tuning to transmit brain waves and are used as mind control technology.
This is the category to discuss everything about radionics, psionics & psychotronics. Discussion of devices, tips, techniques & tricks are encouraged here
326 1938 Wed Jan 31, 2024 9:51 pm
No new posts Crystals & Gemstones (Minerals)
For the discussion of the use and application of crystals, gemstones and minerals. The mineral kingdom are our loving friends who have been around for a very long time on mother earth. There are terrestial and extra-terrestial crystals. Discussion of crystal meditation, cleansing, clearing, programming & charging of crystals are encouraged in this section. The various uses like healing, manifestation, thought amplification, protection and much more are what the crystals, gemstones & mineral kingdom offers us.
112 386 Thu Feb 20, 2020 6:40 am
No new posts Sacred Geometry & Shapes
Sacred geometry is an ancient art and science which reveals the nature of our relationship to the cosmos. Its study unfolds the principle of oneness underlying all creation in its myriad expression, and leads us inevitably to the perspective of interconnectedness, inseparability and union.
71 304 Sat Feb 29, 2020 2:46 am
No new posts Astrology/Divination
Discussion of astrology, tarot, scrying,pendulums,crystal balls, and other divination methods.
156 488 Mon Mar 02, 2020 6:47 am
No new posts Software
This is the category to discuss all sorts of Mystical Software like Radionics, Mind Control, Subliminal , Self Development, Divination & Magick.. There are lots of mystical software around.. This is the category to discuss them!
165 705 Tue Apr 18, 2023 2:28 pm
No new posts Other Mystical Wonders™ Topics
Everything else that does not fit into the above categories goes here like Mind Control, Remote Viewing, Remote Influence, Astral Travel, Time Travel, Brainwave Entertainment, ESP,Tesla's Inventions, Pyramids, Invisibility, Levitation, Telepathy,Numerology and Number Systems, Field-Harmony, Scalar Waves, Personal Magnetism, Conversational Hypnosis, Teleportation, New Age, Alchemy, Dowsing, Vibrational Energy Patterns, Meridians, Magnets, Pendulum, Crystals, Wands, Cloud Busting, Dimensions, Portals, Vortex, Quantum Physics, Etheric Planes, Transhumanism, Electrogravitics, Aliens, Extropy, Mental Healing, Mental Power, Mental Plane, Astrology, Mental Influence, Mind Expansion, Abundance, Subtle Body, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Lines, Fluidic Body, Pentagram,Hexagram,Time Distortion, Size Distortion, Auto-Suggestion, Electronic Warfare Technology, Brain Training, Out-of-Body, Mana Charging, Diagnostic Methods, Intuition, ESP Brain Wave Secrets, Distance Influence, Guarding Mana, Theta Training, Bio-Plasma, Bio-Energy, Psi Secrets, Dowsing, Telepathic Hypnosis, Thought Power, Odic Force, The Subconscious and much more.. Feel free to discuss anything Mystical in this category..
451 2067 Fri Jul 16, 2021 12:36 pm
No new posts Alternative Health & Healing
The section to discuss illnesses, conditions, symptoms and remedies. Natural remedies including homeopathy, enzymes, herbal remedies, essential oils and the whole range of Alternative Health Topics. POTIONS, TEAS, VITAMINS, DRINKS, MASSAGES AND HERBAL BATHS. Everything Alternative and Health Related. Also for the Discussion of Distance Healing or Remote Healing which is a method of breaking the barriers of distance to shower special healing energies towards a target (human or pet). Scientists are now realizing that healing energy travels faster than the speed of light, unaffected by time, space or distance. Scientists are now proving what the ancients always knew to be true. Distance / Distant Remote Healing works. Come here to discuss various methods of healing and share or request info. You are free to discuss healing devices such as zappers and anything else. Learn about alternative healing and increase your holistic wellness education here.
177 578 Tue Dec 21, 2021 5:43 pm
No new posts General Spiritual Topics
For the discussion of General Spiritual Topics including Ascension, Enlightenment, Evolving, Mysticiscm & Enlightenment, Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, The Beloved Presence of God, Christ and The Holy Spirit, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, Allah, Dharmkaya, the I AM THAT I AM, Cosmic Council of Twelve, Twenty-Four Elders That Surround The Throne of Grace, The Mahatma, Melchizedek, Metatron, Archangels Michael and Faith, All Elohim Councils of The Light of God, Archangels of The Tree of Life, All The Archangels and Angels of The Light of God, Hyos Ha Kodoish, Paradise Sons, All the Monads and Oversouls of the Six Billion Souls Incarnated on Earth at this time, Great Divine Director, Melchior, Lord and Lady of Sirius, Lenduce, Vywamus, Lord and Lady of Arcturus and the Arcturians, Sanat Kumara, Atlanto, Adonis, Archangel Sandalphon, Helios and Vesta, Ashtar and the Ashtar Command, Archangels Jophiel and Christine, Chamuel and Charity, Gabriel and Hope, Raphael and Mother Mary, Uriel and Aurora, Zadkiel and Amethyst, Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, Apollo and Lumina, Heros and Amora, Purity and Astrea, Cyclopia and Virginia, Peace and Aloha, Arcturus and Victoria, Mahachohan, Allah Gobi, Lord Buddha, Babaji, Yogananda, Sri Yukteswar, Lahiri Mahasaya, Earlyne Chaney, Robert Chaney, Zoser, Dr. Lorphan and all the Galactic Healers, Platinum Angels, Sai Baba, Rama, Krishna, Lady Masters, Lady Helena, Alice Bailey, Isis, Horus, Osiris, Kuan Yin, Pallas Athena, Portia, Vista, Lady Nada, Lakshmi, the Six Buddhas of Activity, El Morya, Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, Djwhal Khul, Office of The Christ, Office of The Divine Mother, All Initiates and Disciples from the Synthesis Ashram and all Seven Ray Ashrams of The Christ, Serapis Bey, Paul The Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, Saint Germain, Eagle Command, Celestial Command, Order of The Golden Robe, The Mountain of Mt. Shasta, The Earth Mother, Dolphins and Whales, Pan, Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, Mineral Kingdom, The Devic and Nature Spirits, The Elemental Kingdom, Ganesha, The Manifestation Council, Divine Mother, Silent Watcher of The Cosmos, Lady of The Sun, Lady Liberty, Lady of The Light, The Native American Master Elders, Hanuman, Multi-Universal Logos, Interplanetary Confederation of Love and Light, The Extraterrestrial Guardian Alliance, Tribunal Council of The Galactic Command, The Entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy, The Core Group and Friends, and All Christed Extraterrestrial Races.
274 1210 Tue Mar 07, 2023 1:22 am
No new posts Additional Categories
If there is an additional category that you would like to see here feel free to post a request here and we will either create an entire category for it or add it to the 'everything else mystical' category.
65 287 Sat May 23, 2020 11:06 pm
No new posts Manifestation Requests
Do you have something you want to manifest in your life? In this category you can post one request per month and our resident experienced Manifestation Master will use his abilities to powerfully get the universe to answer your requests. He has been helping people all over the world successfully to manifest their desires, wishes and and intentions. Using a combination of experience and unique manifestation techniques combined with natural manifestation ability our Manifestation Master is equipped to engineer your reality. Make sure to check out his website at
6421 15606 Thu Feb 22, 2024 11:37 pm
No new posts Free Psychic Readings / Guidance / Insights
Readings are suspended for a while. This is a free service for all members of Mystical Wonders! Every month you can get one free psychic reading from our qualified psychics. If you are an accurate psychic and want to help out with free readings CLICK HERE
4512 13405 Thu Oct 07, 2021 7:29 am
No new posts Magick School
Come here for expert tuition on the various magickal arts. This forum is headed by members who are skilled in the arts of magick. New content & tuition will be posted weekly about Magick Practices. You can ask as many questions you want about Magick and our team will try to help you.
79 558 Sun Jan 30, 2022 1:23 pm
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