lenred Site Veteran
Joined: 01 Jan 2008 Posts: 721 Location: California US
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:19 pm Post subject: How To Create and Program Effective Shielding
Many individuals have their own way to produce shielding. Having used energy shields of different types and frequencies for many years I have gained much knowledge of their origin and power and would like to share it with you.
Source provided this information to use, especially when working with entities. It has been 100% effective and I work knowing that I am totally protected.
First of all, shields which we place around ourselves and our material possessions (cars, homes etc) are only an extension of our own energy substance. It does not come from some ethereal place or entity. It is a "God" given ability and can protect beyond our capacity to comprehend, it is simply awesome!
Do not confuse such a shield with barriers which people place around themselves out of fear. Barriers inhibit spiritual growth.
Some say, I let the universe take care of it, I use white light or wrap myself in a pink egg etc. To obtain maximum effectiveness we human beings have the responsibility of doing our part and involve ourselves in the process.
Anyone can prove to themselves that shields really work. It will be immediately obvious to those who work with energy. Most shielding simply does not repel or reflect incoming energy which is what shields are all about.
If this information is utilized properly it can help protect one from many mishaps. I use it effectively to prevent collisions with animals and other vehicles. There are several experiences I could relate regarding those situations that would be unbelievable to many. Other examples of protection are shielding one's home from fires and other disasters and preventing intrusion by dangerous animals or people. The probabilities are endless.
Here are step by step instructions on how to construct and program them. The quickest way is to find someone who will work with you to create a PERSONAL shield. It is not that difficult.
Step #1) Visualize a color you obtain intuitively and project it onto the forearm of this person. Next, project your energies into that color to see if they will penetrate that particular color. Now use another color then another until you find one which your energies will not penetrate. The person helping you will feel the heat from your energy if it penetrates the colors.
You will notice that some colors repel your energies much better than others. You will also find one which simply will not allow your projected energy to pass through. That is the color to use for the shield you will create.
Step #2) Create the shield configuration for your body. Create it to conform to the contours of your body, like a glove except not skin tight. This shield will be soft, pliable, light as a feather and very comfortable. It is also transparent and porous. Leave about two inches between your physical body and the energy shield.
Step #3) Fill the two inch space between your body and the shield with energy that portrays LOVE to you. I use a particular shade of pink as that representation. Intensely visualize this energy with a loving attitude as you place it in the two inch space, for this is what you will be continually surrounded with.
This shield is porous, so anything that is love will flow through it to you, but anything negative cannot penetrate and will automatically ground itself. If negative energy is projected towards you, love energy from within your shield will instantly and automatically be sent back to the origin of the directed negativity. Never retaliate with a negative response.
When shielding your MATERIAL POSSESSIONS you can use the same shield you just created only without the two inch space and love energy if you wish. Also know that shielding can extend from your person to any distance for which it is programmed. I program them for flexibility to go any distance needed to provide protection. For instance, while driving through a forest I extend it outward three hundred feet in all directions to warn animals of my approaching vehicle.
Programming shields is a very creative effort and you only need to do it once. You can put anything into it you wish. Write down whatever you wish to insert into the program. Mentally add or change anything you want to the program, anytime. I shall give some examples:
1)protect my vehicles from any mishap.
2)Keep all animals away from my moving vehicles.
3)Prevent all that is not love from entering my property (home, vehicles, barn etc.)
4)Protect my property from falling objects.
5)Protect my person from dangerous encounters.
6)Neutralize all chemical fallout
I condensed my efforts by placing shields around myself, my property, my vehicles and programmed them. As everything is composed of frequencies, I use the following umbrella program.
"Shields up, for total and complete protection. Any FREQUENCIES that may cause harm or detection in any manner are instantly neutralized."
Energy shields require energy to maintain optimum efficiency. To provide this energy I use keywords to remind me two-three times during the day. They work automatically to impart the required energy to the shields. Remember you are working with the powers of the universe. When I awake, during the day and before I retire, I simply say "SHIELDS UP".
One more very important item. Do not attempt to place shielding around anyone but yourself, your possessions and minor children. Your spouses should do it for themselves. Anything else is interference in another's path and karmic situations may result. This is a basic outline. You can customize them in a way which feels good to you. Heavy duty protection is available.
Rev Lenred