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Joined: 26 Jan 2012 Posts: 44
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:19 am Post subject: The quest that began...5678
Maybe not so long ago, or maybe many years ago, or maybe just starting this year or the year before, something that seemed so small yet so significant caught your eye. It's like this thing was something unusual...but subtle. And this thing that happened one random day changed your life forever, kind of felt like an initiation of something, no? Ever since then, your life kept on getting weirder.
A couple weeks into it, you're really confused and your wondering what it means, or if it means anything at all. Feels like something really big is under the surface of this thing we call reality, like it's so close...but what is it? So you just go about your days kind of going with the flow of this new part of your life, but you just began asking yourself "what is this thing I'm being exposed to?"
After a while, you get a general hint of what it means but it still feels like this quest and you're part of something big. By no means do you understand even 1% of it, but you have some ideas. These ideas sound absolutely crazy but they make sense in some weird way, making connections with things happening now all the way back with things that happened at the beginning of when this thing began. A couple months go by and your wondering...Is this even real or did I just slip into something and go crazy? But you know you're absolutely sane. You maybe try and tell a couple people or your close friends, and a lot of them dismiss you off as wrong or, so it seems, they think you're crazy. This in itself makes you feel like your insane.
Then you meet those certain people that feel important and kind of get what your saying, and when you meet these people, it feels kind of like when your playing an RPG video game like final fantasy or something when you meet really important characters that know something. Or this person just happens to tell you something that put a piece of the puzzle together, making a bit more sense as the days go by, yet becoming even more confusing as the hours, days, and months pass.
And then you meet just a couple few who know exactly what you're talking about, have conversations on this thing you're both experiencing, and yet, you both still have no idea what it means. You both discuss things that you know aren't coincidences, symbols throughout the days, even literal metaphors in your reality that the universe is showing you.
All of a sudden, things start making sense after realizing one small detail about the whole thing. Problem is, you don't know how to explain to people generally how this makes sense and you know it's actually something very very real. You forget most of the things that make it what it is, the really important pieces, because those moments in time are so out of context with normal living and reality, that they shock you while they happen. Because you're staying in the moment while these things play themselves out. But there's also something good about this. You remember just the right parts at the right times when those parts are needed. It's as if your mind purposely doesn't want you to be able to remember all those different moments in time and all those memories because you wouldn't be able to put anything together right. It'd all be one jumbled up bunch of memories like the wires behind a computer in an office environment.
You learn new techniques or new bits of information at certain periods of time or right after something happened that made no sense. This thing you learned makes a lot of sense with what's going on at the time or just seems important for some future date.
This quest potentially contains clues through symbols you see, things people say, words or sayings you hear in music, lots of numbers you know have meanings but can't decipher them, seeing answers to questions asked long ago now being answered on something unexpected like a billboard but coincidentally catches your eye, and many,many, many, many more ways of giving you clues/answers/question makers.
You know now that this thing you entered into...is something very real...you know something huge is going to happen sooner or later, like the veil's going to be ripped away or something and it'll show itself....
It all feels like some really screwed up movie and you're the main character in it...
You aren't alone...and no, you aren't crazy.
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Joined: 02 Feb 2009 Posts: 136
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:14 pm Post subject:
Well, nice said.
We could talk about this-a lot happens but nothing really mathers. You see and feel many things that after a while doesn't make any sense, but it still is at it is.
You are weird, but somehow you find somebody that is weird just like you. There is something about it, but can't see.
So i somehow agree with you and i am interested what is this all about.
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Joined: 26 Jan 2012 Posts: 44
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:34 pm Post subject:
I really wish I could fully explain how my life has been for the past little over a year. It's like I've moved from living this boring life to waking up into something very real. The interesting thing is, you too are involved in this, as we are all one mind, connected by the quantum fabric, but disconnected by this thing we call an ego.
The gist behind what I think I'm dealing with is something that has to deal with the all seeing eye if you catch my drift. Not the kind people normally talk about but something on a deeper, more esoteric level. I truly believe from the thing's I've experienced and looked into that I'm dealing with who they worship, except that he's come down into our universe to try something he failed in the last universe...
If I was to explain how this whole thing was in detail from beginning to now, I'd have written a 10,000 page book by now, but I can't for it's so confusing and in the moment that the puzzle solves itself one moment at a time.
What I meant by the numbers by the way is this. ----> http://spiritlibrary.com/doreen-virtue/number-sequences-from-the-angels
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Joined: 15 Jul 2016 Posts: 1
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 3:51 pm Post subject: surreal
that is the word I use to describe it. It has taken a decade of vascillating between confusion, denial, fear, frustration and finally acceptance and wonderment. I was raised Catholic and I think that has thwarted my journey. Now, I am sort of awake and am in AWE of the possibilities in "reality"
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Joined: 02 Feb 2009 Posts: 136
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:19 pm Post subject:
Blessed you. I still feel the same
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