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Joined: 12 Sep 2008
Posts: 37

PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:22 am    Post subject: Curiosity Reply with quote

Hello, it's 2015, an interesting time for young and old alike. My intentions for this topic are to hear what you've got to say, to hear your thoughts about our "state", our "day in age". I want to hear what some of your feelings or thoughts are about where you think we're at now, or where we're headed. It's a curious time, And I find myself, bit by bit, time to time, craving a "new" perspective, someone else's perspective. "Food for thought" you could say.
So please, share with me your thoughts, ideas, and feelings about whatever feels relevant to you or "us" in this crazy, unique, fertile, possibly volitile time we live in. I ask you to try and find the time to share with me, as little as it may seem it would make a difference for me. I encourage radical individuality and free thought, the abstract and the obscene, the innocent and the pure, all the colors of the rainbow.
Thank you, and good tidings
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