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Joined: 20 Jun 2005 Posts: 7 Location: steel city, heart of dixie
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:02 am Post subject: moon magick
do any of you use moon magick? good experiences? good outcomes? i'm just getting started, actually she's a full one, beautiful complexion tonight... i'm off to enjoy a nice moonlit swim but tell me your experiences with our moon and how she has influenced your life!
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Joined: 22 Jun 2005 Posts: 20 Location: PA
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:39 pm Post subject: Moon Magic
I hope you had an enjoyable swim! Living in the city, as a child I would sit at the end of my street & look up at the full moon. I would always see the face of an old woman, whom I could just about hear speaking to me. Many yrs. later I began practicing Wicca, who's Ritual Sabbats include Full Moon's. The Moon represents the Goddess & by drawing down her energy, you become one with The Lady. If I could not get to do Ritual, I would just gaze at the Moon & "Draw Down the Energy" to replenish myself. I did find over the yrs. Rituals performed during full moons were mostly successful, however in an emergency it's best to remember focus of will & intent are the key to success(or so I've found), & where the Moon is in it's cycle really dosen't matter. Also, personally I'm at my best when bleeding & agree with those who believe there is nothing more powerful than a bleeding female. Women are the only Lunar Menstruating Primates(Z. Budapest), and I cycle with the Moon. Blessed Be. STA
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Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Posts: 16
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:32 pm Post subject:
an important thing to remember here is that the gravity of the moon greatly affects blood flow in the body, thus also affecting the energy flow in the body following the chinese saying "where blood goes, qi goes". Therefore during the full moon at midnight you are at the absolute yang peak, or in other words you have an extreme level of energy and blood in your brain. Hence the term "loony", coming from the "luna". Because of this great uprising of energy, plus the moon as a major energy source (which, btw appears to be of a very similar frequency to the earth's energy), you have quite alot of energy to work with and an amplified energy manipulating ability. By using the full moon, I have had very good results. At the new moon during noon time, however opposite is true and you are at the yin peak, aka extreme biological midnight. Since you have less energy and blood in your brain, this time is best to use for meditation and internal focus. In this phase, for this purpose, I have also had great results, esepecially with microcosmic circulation training.
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Joined: 17 Oct 2011 Posts: 85
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:22 pm Post subject:
Can somebody post more about Moon Magick?
I heard about "telling your wishes to the moon" at full moon.
Since the person who has shared me with this does not remember the source, I havent tried it. Nor has she. If there are any tips or simple spells(since I am new to this) I would like to read it.
Thank you.
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Joined: 17 Oct 2011 Posts: 85
Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 11:16 am Post subject:
Peaceevrywhere wrote: | Can somebody post more about Moon Magick?
I heard about "telling your wishes to the moon" at full moon.
Since the person who has shared me with this does not remember the source, I havent tried it. Nor has she. If there are any tips or simple spells(since I am new to this) I would like to read it.
Thank you. |
Even I heard same. An old classmate of mine told me at full moon she told her wishes three times. I think there is a sticky topic about Moon magic already maybe it will help
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Joined: 29 Jan 2012 Posts: 192 Location: Over the rainbow
Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 1:03 pm Post subject:
in all honesty, it's not something i do very often. d_redant posted a sticky on this very topic which you might like to check out. moon magick makes a whole lot of sense, given how her phases effect a lot of things, why not thoughts? i did do some workings several years ago, it was a banishing ritual. i can't remember what i was banishing, but it must have been important considering it's one of the only rituals i've ever done using moon magick. it must have worked too as i have basically nothing in my life right now that i need to banish. yep, life is pretty good, stress free, calm and relaxed. i believe the moon helped with that
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Joined: 29 Jan 2012 Posts: 192 Location: Over the rainbow
Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 1:46 pm Post subject:
there are many things you can do with the moon. to find out the phases of the moon annd a few other things, see d_redant's sticky. as an example, i did a little banishing ritual for myself, during the moon waning phase. i simply went outside at night, wrote on a piece of paper what i wanted to banish, then i burned the paper. i also spoke to the moon, telling her what i wanted.
many people have more elaborate rituals for things. there is no "right" way. just make something up. if you want to practice moon magick, all you need to do is do something. if you like, you can strip naked and run around the block naked at midnight.
the concept here is manyfold - let's keep it simple and use Claude Bristol's concept of "The Magic Of Believing".
avoid complicating things where no complication exists. have fun
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Joined: 06 Oct 2015 Posts: 9
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 1:04 am Post subject: simple moon practice
simple practice to develop clairvoyance using the moon
Stare at the moon [works best when full or near] and begin to focus entirely on the outter area and continue to go outwards more subtly until and see how far out you can make it.
Results will be noticable after a few times.
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