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In need of advice

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Joined: 26 Nov 2015
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 1:11 am    Post subject: In need of advice Reply with quote

Hello, I did not know what to title this topic honestly. For as long as I can remember, I have always seen something rather specific each time I close my eyes and focus. When I was a child I would remember asking my friends what they would see at night when they tried to go to sleep. Not once has anyone ever told me something remotely similar to my experience. The pattern starts off as a blanket of purple/violet stars that float closer to my eyes and a bright, glowing, blue/violet, distant ball of light that glows beyond the stars. If I focus, the stars seem to form a tunnel like structure or a pit that a fall into. I become one with this tunnel and I feel as if I am gently floating through it, or it is gently floating past me. The bright ball has now become a glowing light at the end of this violet tunnel of stars. I can never seem to get through to the end, my focus is not strong enough. One day, about 2 years ago, it was late at night and I was laying on my sofa in a very relaxed state. My mind seemed to have shut off and the intensity of the stars grew as I focused on nothing else but them. Only this once did I make it through the tunnel. The feeling I had was sensational. Something seemed to be cradling to me through what looked like the cosmos. I was seeing purple swirls of lights forming galaxies off in the distance. Planets that I never recognized brushed right past me. I felt nothing but love in that moment and it almost brought me to tears when I came back to reality. This has never happened since, although I can still see my friendly stars every time I want to. This all may sound crazy to you but I am so curious to find out if anyone else has experienced something similiar. A friend of mine recently showed me a documentary about Mithra. The meditation process that the man had described sounded like it may have had some similarities. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated!
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